Research Groups
- Center for Rural and Urban Studies (CERU)
- Center for the Sociology of Culture (NSC)
- Center for the Study and Research in Sociology of Space and Time (NEPSESTE)
- Center for the Study of Citizenship Rights (CENEDIC)
- Center for the Study of Citizenship Rights (CENEDIC)
- Center for the Study of Violence (NEV-USP)
- Global Center of Spatial Methods for Urban Sustainability (GCSMUS)
- Global Center of Spatial Methods for Urban Sustainability (GCSMUS) na USP (GCSMUS-USP)
- Laboratory for Teaching Sociology (LES)
- Research Group in the Sociology of Education, Culture, and Knowledge (GPSECC)
- Social Information Consortium (CIS)
- Social Research Laboratory (LAPS)
- UrbanData-Brasil/CEM