The “Global Center of Spatial Methods for Urban Sustainability” (GCSMUS), funded by the DAAD program “Higher Education Excellence in Development Cooperation – exceed” and based at the Technische Universität Berlin (Speakers: Prof. Dr. Nina Baur and Prof. Dr. Angela Million, Coordinator: Dr. Ignacio Castillo Ulloa), connects 48 institutional partners from 47 countries and 8 world regions. Focusing on the Sustainable Development Goal #11 of the Agenda 2030 “Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable”, the center aims at developing transdisciplinary spatial methods in order to improve both the academic education in the spatial disciplines (e.g. architecture, geography, landscape planning, sociology, traffic planning, urban planning) and planning practice via evidence-based and low-impact urban development (LIUD). In order to achieve these goals, the center is organized as a peer-learning process and will implement several strategic Actions between 2020 and 2024 such as combined teaching-research-courses, Ph.D. and post-doctoral research projects, practical-empirical implementations, workshops and international conferences.
Lead partner at USP: Fraya Frehse
Coordenação Geral: