The CIS emerged in 2003 from a project by Brasilio Sallum Jr., and sought to provide the social sciences academic community with a database sharing system for researchers to share information acquired during their investigations. The inspiration for the initiative came from a similar service used in the United States since the 1960s: the Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) of the University of Michigan. The idea for creating an information sharing system relied on the material and institutional support from the USP Provost's Office for Research. The project was developed under the institutional shelter of the National Association for Research and Graduate Studies in Social Sciences (ANPOCS) and the USP Research Support Center for Democracy and Development (NADD). As for the implementation of the project, ANPOCS received funds from the Ford Foundation, while the University of Sao Paulo physical and technological infrastructure.
Social Information Consortium (CIS)